
Late Night with Jeffrey Simpson: Episode 7

This episode wasn't late at night, but it still made us laugh hysterically, thus, it's blog worthy.

Scene: Just sitting down to Sunday dinner

Jeff:  "I'll say the prayer...Our dear Father in Heaven, we are so beautiful"

Jan:  Looks up and bursts into laughter

Jeff:  Realizing what he'd said also bursts out laughing

Jan & Jeff: Laugh for 5 minutes until one of us cried and one of us peed our pants (not telling who did what...although you can probably guess)

Sophia: Looking on wide eyed trying to figure out what she missed

Scene: Finally done laughing and still hungry we start to bless the food again

Jeff: "Our dear Father in Heaven, we are so grateful for this beautiful day..."

Jan thinks: Ah, so that's what he was trying to say!