
Oh, the first snowfall of the winter!

I absolutely love living in Seattle - it's so beautiful here!  Spring is more colorful, summer is more temperate, fall is more wonderful, but the winter is slightly disappointing.  A typical winter here consists of cold winds, gray skies and rain.  The first two I don't mind, but I've always been of the opinion that if it has to be cold, then it should be snowing.

My first winter here I saw about 7 snowflakes on my first day of work at Deloitte.  That was enough to cause at least 5 people to stay home from work.  The rest of the winter was snow free.  The next winter, just after Jeff and I were married, we experienced a Christmas miracle. Feet of snow fell in just a few days!  The whole city shut down because people are terrified of snow here and there are only 3 snow plows in the whole city so you really can't get anywhere in a car.  My office closed for several days in a row - it was delightful!  It was also an anomaly.

The next winter was back to usual - snowless.  It was cold and it was wet, but there was no snow.  If you read Jeff's blog, you know that there's been a lot of talk about Seattle having a "bad" winter this year.  I'm still trying to figure out why they say "bad".  I see nothing wrong with having to stay home from work because the bus can't get up Seneca St and being able to go sledding in my front yard without the fear of being run over by cars because the street is closed to traffic.  To me, there's absolutely nothing bad about that situation.

Anyway, Jeff and I decided not to get our hopes up about having a bad winter this year so we've been ignoring any forecasts of snow.  Just imagine our delight when it snowed for a solid thirty minutes today!  What a wonderful day!  Never mind that it didn't stick, never mind that the flakes were tiny, never mind that my office is still open tomorrow and the buses are running (although they are running on snow routes since they're predicting snow tomorrow) - never mind all that!  It's not even Thanksgiving, it has already snowed and that is all that matters!  

See the almost invisible layer of white snow?

Maybe Jeff and I will have a happy winter after all!


  1. You must have been in heaven yesterday!!

  2. I heard that a lot of Seattle was closed on Monday or Tuesday or something because Utah got a whale of a storm on Tuessday. We almost got out of school early (and that's huge for Utah--it hasn't happened in my school district for 10 years). We only got 6 inches but the 60 mph winds and the freezing temperatures made it crazy. Are you guys coming to Utah at all for the holidays? I hope you are all staying safe and warm:) Love ya!

  3. I'm going to Big 5 and get some thermal underware! We just got back from Catalina and it was really cold over there. I know I'll be freezing in Seattle. Can't wait.
