
Where has the time gone!

A dear friend just reminded me that I haven't posted any pictures of Sophia lately. I looked at my blog and sure enough it's been several weeks!  Lately we've been struggling with severe feeding issues, then as soon as we got those fixed we had company in town for the baby blessing which totally threw our schedule off enough that we are having feeding issues again!  Yikes, will life ever be normal?  Despite the craziness that I feel like we've experienced lately, Sophia continues to be just as happy and pleasant as ever.  She's just learning to coo this week but today is the first day where it really feels like she's talking to us.  So fun!
I love this picture because it looks like she's doing an Irish jig or something!

Sophia's favorite position - perfect for staring at the ceiling fan!

The little munchkin

Slick new hair-do

Comb over - couldn't resist

Mohawk...aren't babies fun!

Daddy daughter time

She's loves to stretch!

Where did those cheeks come from?  Oh yeah, her mom.

Just plain cute!

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