
The Ice Storm

Following the snow we had large quantities of freezing rain.  This was kind of a different weather experience for me, but was pretty cool once it stopped.  On Thursday the freezing rain just kept coming and left everything in its path covered in about .5" of ice.  So we had about 4 inches of snow covered with .5" of ice covered with another .5" of snow. 

When I went outside to take pictures I had to jump to on the ground to break through the layer of ice.  It was a strange feeling to step on snow but not sink!  We had left our car parked outside for the whole of the snow and ice storm.  It was pretty cool to clean it off because we were just pulling huge sheets of ice off the car.  Every inch of the car was iced over. 

I can talk about this storm being really cool because we didn't have any dangerous car accidents, tree tipping, nor did we lose power.  However, I do realize that there are some in the Seattle area for whom this storm was not fun and I apologize for getting excited about something that caused a lot of pain for a lot of people. 

Anyway, here are some ice pics:

Ice on the grass that wasn't fully covered by snow - obviously we need to mow!

The heartiest rosemary plant ever!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that you guys didn't lose power or anything. I felt so bad thinking you were sitting there in the dark and cold, being that pregnant! Is Sophia still waiting to come? I hope you are feeling okay!
