
Family photos

While in Reno this summer we had a photographer come take family photos.  With one sister in Indiana, the other in Shanghai and a brother applying for med school it might be a while before we're all together again.  Unfortunately for Jeff and I, Sophia is the least photogenic kid in the world!  The second anyone whips out a camera she stares dumbfounded either at the camera or in the opposite direction.  My biased opinion is that she's the cutest in the world, but when she's older no one will believe what a cutie she was because she's such a dud in her pictures!  Equally as unfortunate is the way Jeff and I look in these pictures...alas, here are the family photos with Sophia the Dud, Jeff needing a haircut and we're-not-sure-why-she-looks-so-bad Janelle:


  1. You make me laugh! I love your pictures!

  2. Oh you are way too rough on yourself. You guys look great!
