
Late Night with Jeffrey Simpson: Season 2 Episode 1

Background: Sophia finally started sleeping through the night last week!  It is so exciting!  The second night she slept through the night, I was peacefully sleeping as well when suddenly Jeff was shaking me awake.  I looked at the clock...4:30 AM.  The following conversation ensued:

Jeff: Kneeling in a prayer position on our bed, "Will you please say the prayer?" said in a tone identical to the one used when we're blessing dinner.
Jan: "What?!"
Jeff: "It's 4:30." Still in a very conversational tone, as if we'd been waking up at 4:30 every day for the last 10 years.
Jan: "Are you getting up right now?" totally confused why we needed to say our morning prayers so early.
Jeff: "There's a deadline." 
Jan:  Confused why he had a deadline on the Fourth of July asks, "Are you working today?"   
Jeff: "No, but isn't there a deadline today for that baby thing?"
Jan: Completely bewildered, "What baby thing?"
Jeff: "Isn't there a deadline to vote for the baby button thing online?  You know, where you choose a button..." starting to trail off when he hears me laughing.
Jan: "I have no idea what you're talking about." 
Jeff: Lying down again, "Oh, I thought there was a deadline."
Jan: Still laughing
Jeff: "I'm making sense!"
Jan: Getting up to get a paper and a pen.
Jeff: "I'm awake!"
Jan: "Yes, I know.  But I believe you are telling me your dream thinking that it is reality."
Jeff: "Oh."

Jan and Jeff try to fall back asleep.  Ten minutes later Jeff begins snoring...what's new.

Jan: Nudges Jeff to make him stop snoring.
Jeff: Still snoring.
Jan: Nudges Jeff again and says, "Stop snoring!"
Jeff: Sitting up and speaking in a slightly irritated tone, "So, I guess you hear snoring when I'm talking in my sleep!"
Jan: "No, you're really snoring!"
Jeff: "Am I snoring now?"
Jan: "No."
Jeff: "Oh."

And we both roll over and go back to sleep.

What would I do for entertainment each night without Jeff?!

1 comment:

  1. That is seriously awesome! Love it! And glad to hear Sophia is sleeping through the night for you! Hope all is well.
