
Each life that touches ours for good

My family recently said goodbye to the fourth member of the Harris family (my mother's family).  We lost our Grandpa in 2002 and two baby cousins had passed on before that.  At the end of 2010 we lost a much loved cousin, Neal.

Neal was about my age.  He was so handsome, had a great big smile and a great big heart.  He was just about as kind a person as you'll ever meet.  But Neal's life took a very dark turn and he chose to end his life on December 28th.

The news of Neal's death was very hard to receive.  Our family is very close and there are many who are mourning this great loss.  It's in times of tragedy and suffering that you find out what you truly believe.  Immediately after hearing about his death, I knew Neal was in heaven with my Grandpa.  There was no question of that fact and it brought me great comfort.  I know that Neal is no longer struggling against the dark demons he faced on earth.  I know that God loves him and knows the goodness of his heart and He welcomed him back to Heaven with the loving embrace any Father would show.

Neal - you are so loved and so greatly missed!  Give Grandpa a big hug for me!

If you'd like to know more about Heaven and life after death, check out the following website:


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